Working in the military as a doctor
Informative articles and resources,
no matter your career stage
Should I go to medical school? Factors to consider if applying in 2024 and beyond
The Medical Doctor Degree Apprenticeship - is it worth still applying to medical school?
Timeline and strategy for navigating resources for applying to medical school
Interview practice sessions Master list (2021/22 entry)
Low UCAT Score - what do I do now?
Managing your time in Year 12-13
Being a student on King's College London Extended Medical Degree Programme (EMDP)
An insight into King's College London accommodation
Studying Medicine at King's College London
Choosing a medical school
The Medical Personal Statement
The BMAT (and the 2020 updates)
What work experience can I do during quarantine?
What happens on the Medical School Interview day?
Outreach and Widening Participation programmes
Medical School Interviews - strategy
THE UCAT (and the 2020 updates)
Why did you decide to study medicine?
What to consider when choosing your A-levels